About Waterfall Angels

After a long time trying to figure out a special and unique way to write our Angel's names, I finally came up with this. I will write each Angel's name on a river rock and take it to Rainbow Springs State Park in Florida and take a couple of pictures with a couple of waterfalls.

When I started doing all this I had just planned to write the names of the Angels of the blogs I follow. I quickly realized that I want to keep doing this. I do not have the best of camera's right now and I'm sorry for the blurriness of the backrounds of the photos. I have tried every setting. I do plan to hopefully be getting a new camera soon.

Name request: Please read all before requsting a name.

I will be keeping the name request up depending on how many requests I get. If I start getting too many to handle I will have to take it down until I'm done with the angels names that I have.

What I need from you:

1: For the subject please put Name Request.

2: Your Angel(s) name. If you have more then one angel I will do a picture of each angel separately and then together.

3: boy or girl (The reason I ask this is because it is not always apparent if the name of your angel is for a boy or girl, and because I use accent rocks for each.)

4: your name and/or significant others name.

I will not be able to get back to everyone personally to let you know your angel's names are posted. You will have to visit this blog to check and see if I posted your angels name yet. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me on the waterfall angels facebook page or you can email me.


Removed until I can get caught up.

Please DO NOT take the pictures of another angels name. I will gladly make one for your angel. Thank you for your understanding

How to find and get your pictures off the Waterfall Angels Blog:

1. There is a white search box on the top left hand of the blog. Type your Angels name in the white box and hit the little magnifying glass just to the right.

2. Scroll down until you get to your Angels name (make sure it is your angel, you will know because your name will be on the post).

3. Click on picture. When it opens it should be large. Right click on the photo and click on save picture as and save it to your computer.

Waterfall Angels's Fan Box

Waterfall Angels on Facebook

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Name request apology

Hello everyone, I am so deeply sorry. I was not ignoring anyone at all. I have been racked with guilt over not being able to get any names done in years at this point. I have a few ideas on how I can do something for all my fellow baby loss mothers and fathers.

The idea I keep coming back to is taking various picks of blank rocks at the one waterfall (the larger one) and digitally putting names on the rocks. It seems like the best solution that will help me be able to get all your angel's names done. It is extremely hard to get out there all the time with the names on the rocks because it is a public park and there are usually people that would like to take pics of the waterfall and it's hard for me to move all the supplies.
I wish I would have thought of this idea before, but it only crossed my mind recently. I plan on going out there within the next month to start taking pics of the blank rocks. Please let me know what you think. This will still be free I do not charge at all.

I will also be taking the name request email down for now until I can get caught up. I am so sorry for any delay.